- Overview
Our Business Analyzed Checking Account is designed to support businesses with higher transaction volumes and/or businesses that require advanced treasury management or payment services.
No Minimum
Balance Required
Monthly Maintenance Fee
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This is an Earnings Credit account.
Additional Charges include:
- Debits - Checks/Paper (ledger): $0.25
- Debits - Automated Clearing House (ACH): $0.20
- Credits - Paper (ledger): $0.50
- Credits - Automated Clearing House (ACH): $0.20
- Credits - Instant Payments: $0.50
- Deposited Item: $0.20
What do I need to open a business account?
Depending on your type of business, there is some information you'll need to gather before opening your account. Select your business type to get started.
banking for good means
best-in-class customer service.
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