Start saving for the future.
Earn $50 with the FirstBank Smart Saver Promotion3.
Minimum Balance
Service Charge
A liquid account that allows deposits and withdrawals at any time.
Time Accounts offer low-risk investment opportunities and higher interest rates by locking in your deposits for a specified period of time. Deposits can be made at any time.
FirstBank serves as the account manager for the CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account and has overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations, including reporting transactions. FirstBank also assists CollegeInvest with marketing and distributing the CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account.
FirstBank knows that college is expensive, and we want to help. Receive $50 from us to go into your Smart Choice College Savings Account by following these three steps.
Steps to qualify:
The Colorado Legislature passed a bill in 2019 that gives children born or adopted in the State of Colorado, between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2040 a contribution of $118 into their 529 College Savings Account.
Steps to qualify:
Open a College Savings Account.
The account owner must be a parent/legal guardian and an eligible child must be the account beneficiary.
Apply for the program.
Apply and learn more about the program. The Account Owner must apply before the child's eighth birthday and will need their College Savings Account number and birth certificate (or adoption documents).
Get notified.
After applying for the program, if you and the beneficiary meet all of the eligibility requirements, you will be notified by email from CollegeInvest. The $118 contribution will be deposited in your College Savings Account at FirstBank within 30 business days.
The program is administered and funded by CollegeInvest.
To learn about the CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account, its objectives, risks, charges, limitations, restrictions and qualifications regarding the account's benefits and potential tax advantages, please read the Plan Disclosure Statement (PDS). For non-Colorado residents, check with your home state to learn about the benefits or tax advantages of opening a CollegeInvest Smart Choice College Savings Account. For more information on tax benefits, please consult your tax advisor.
The combined maximum account balance limit for all 529 accounts established and maintained in the state of Colorado for a particular beneficiary cannot exceed $500,000. Although account balances can grow beyond the maximum limit due to interest, no additional contributions can be made once an account's balance reaches $500,000.
For legislative updates that may impact your 529 College Savings Account visit the CollegeInvest website.
There's no better gift than a brilliant future. Print a FirstBank gift receipt when you make a contribution to a loved one's College Savings Account.
529 accounts are tax-favored options created to help individuals and families save for qualified higher education expenses through a qualified tuition program under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. These programs are established by states or eligible educational organizations.
These accounts offer tax advantages to Colorado residents, including tax deductible contributions and tax free distributions when used to pay for qualified educational expenses. Residents of other states may also receive state tax benefits from utilizing a 529 account. Please consult a tax advisor.
Customers can open a CSA through any of the following methods:
Anyone may contribute to a CSA. There is no requirement that the contributor be a family member or that he/she has earned compensation.
Yes, in most situations the beneficiary can be changed to an eligible family member by establishing a new account with the same account owner and new beneficiary, in addition to completing a CSA change of beneficiary form.
Yes, in most situations the account owner can be changed by establishing a new account with the new account owner and same beneficiary.
Yes, you can set up automatic transfers into your CSA from another financial institution. In order to set up automatic transfers, please complete the External Electronic Transfer Authorization form and return it to a branch or mail it to:
PO Box 150097
Lakewood, CO 80215
FirstBank CSA assets are available for withdrawals anytime if you are enrolled in our Money Market Savings Account. If you have our 1-Year Time Savings, you can access those funds during the grace period4. If you have questions about what type of account you have or when your maturity date is, please reach out to us.